Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Going it alone

Okay, so I got hit by the 'story rejected' virus, and if you write stories using the Sims you probably know what that means. So, here I am in my new place - very exciting - and looking forward to writing stories with no restrictions. Woohoo!

I've written two story series before, both to be found at TSR - 'The Beach' and 'MediEvil'. I'm really appreciative of all the wonderful feedback people left for me on those. *sniff* [wipes eye]

I'm a bit short in terms of concentration span, so I like writing different kinds of stories, from drama to fantasy. I also tend to write in script format. That's because I tend to 'see' my stories more like a film or a television program than a novel. I suppose I'm too much of a couch potato!

The main reason I decided to set up this account is 'My Perfect Life'. I put so much thought into planning it out, only to find there is no way on God's green earth TSR will accept it. So I'll post it here instead. I hope you'll enjoy reading it as and when I learn how to use this blogging site!

Bwye and thanks for reading!



thewynd said...

Hi Tony! I made it here! Any help you need, I am here. Just ask; I will do what I can.

S.B. said...

I've already bookmarked this as one of my favorites.

You have always been one of my favorite writers, even if there was a teensy identity problem between you and my Tony, LOL!

From another expat --


newbie Tony said...

Gayl, thank you very much for introducing me to the whole idea of blogging stories, I owe you big time!

Beth, thank you very much! I'm now off to the deed polling station to change my name... ;)

S.B. said...

LOL -- not THAT much confusion between the two of you. Not yet anyway...

I'd love to list your site as one of my favorites on my site, if that's ok with you.

newbie Tony said...

I'd be delighted, thank you for asking! Of course, only if I can reciprocate!

Oh well, better get my name changed back from Javine Cumberpatch... *sigh*

S.B. said...

Thank you! Already added the link.

And of course you can link to mine -- very flattered! You'll probably have to go through Gayl's site to find it. Not sure if I can insert the url here.

Awww, Javine Cumberpatch has such a ring, well, maybe a thud to it, LOL!

Hellfrozeover said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hellfrozeover said...

Hiya, just had to say that it's great that your stories have escaped the wrath of TSR's PG-13 rating! You're too good a writer to be restricted by that. I really like your characters already!

I was hit by the story rejected email too once. Had to rewrite part of the story to be a really obvious, unmissable hint instead of a recollection but luckily TSR missed the hint!


PS: Ignore the deleted comment, missed a bit and couldn't edit[/dumb]

Damon said...

welcome :D.......uh....yeah thats all I can say what'd you expect ;-) i'm eating >.> cream cake........>.>

newbie Tony said...

Ice cream....drool.... Thanks damon! Hi HFO! Thank you so much! I bet I know which bit was hit, too! Any kind of self-harm is a no-no at TSR, so I'm huessing it was that. You did well to get past the censors, and still communicate what you wanted to say. Thanks again!

Hellfrozeover said...

Yeah they didn't like the suicide bit or a homophobic bit(which is kind of needed for the story really) so I just dropped hints that everyone got lol. I'll be posting on here though if it happens again. I'm surprised they let me away with the "oral examination" joke. *guttermind*. Mind you they let you away with the things that Swindle said :P !

Damon said...

I know it tasted so good with vanilla and chocolate xD I know i'm just making you drool all over the place but I might as well share some of the details :D with hot fudge and brownies in it :D lol