Sunday, 7 October 2007

And not so alone anymore...

Firstly, just to let you know that episode 2 of My Perfect Life is up and ready. Yata!

Secondly, I have been accepted as a member of SimTales! *insert cheer here*. I'm really proud to have been accepted, because I've seen the high quality of the stories at SimTales and I'm flattered to be counted among them. So thank you Leah!


Damon said...

congrats :D and post in the forums some time me and chardonnay have our crazy moments :-)

thewynd said...

Never alone Tony--I've got your back!

You have a tremendous following; I hope they find their way to your wonderful blog and your fabulous new story!

Leah said...

Glad to have you aboard, Tony.

I like your little poll, BTW - but I'd rather lend a towel to one of the girls, really.
Let's say Ama ;-)

newbie Tony said...

Maybe I'll do a girlie poll later ;)

Eve said...

Congratulations Tony! Well-deserved, I must say. I can't believe a publisher hasn't snapped you up. You write with such an open-minded candor, and with such intuitiveness! I believe a lot of people- especially young adults- would relate to your tales. They might even find them therapeutic. I am in awe of your talent!

newbie Tony said...

Thank you eve <3 I always wanted to write for young adults, too. I'd love to be published one day, that's like my ambition.

Anonymous said...

Hello Tony! I finally signed up and now I will be able to go back and leave a comment on all your MAGNIFICENT stories!! I lived in Stanton for a year (back in the day, lol) and I worked in Bury St.Edmunds! I LOVED IT there! I would go back in a heart beat! So, are you interested in a curvaceous, not totally over-the-hill MAMACITA?! LOL!! Take care dear Tony, and congratulations!