Sunday, 28 October 2007

New Story

I've started writing a new non-Sims story called 'How to Kill Yourself in 12 Easy Steps!' Bit of a mouthful, I know! It's really strange writing without the pictures to guide you, but I suppose it's all good practice.

The story is for adults only, and some people may be disturbed by some of the issues that will arise, but really it's not such a depressing story. Just a little black!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm all there!! I love to read! If you say a little 'dark' don't worry, I'm all for it! ;) I would love to get your opinion on a couple of poems/stories I posted in our blog, "The Writer's Block"!One is called "I Received Flowers Today" (I translated this one from a Spanish poem) and the other is "See My Eyes" (my own)! They are both short, they won't take you long to read. I respect and admire your writing tremendously, your opinion would mean a lot to me! Take care Tony!